Progress on Reopening!!

Today I watched the press conference and was pleasantly surprised that the stay at home order was not extended! Pierce county is able to apply to move to the modified “1.5” phase or Phase 2. When they hear back is a different story. I am happy to say that I will be able to return […]
Temporarily Closed

Veronica Victoria Photography is currently TEMPORARILY CLOSED. This is NOT permanent and not long term. It’s just until Pierce County in WA can reopen for phase 2. According to the Governor Jay Inslee photography can resume in Phase 2. But when this will happen is unknown. I am excited to see my clients again, […]

Governor Jay Inslee has required a stay at home order for all residents of Washington state until May 4th. This applies specifically to non-essential businesses such as myself. It is currently impossible for me to photograph any session without being in close proximity to my clients. The studio has been closed for a few weeks, […]
Current Health Concerns…

Please know that during this time a lot of people are hesitant about leaving the house with their kids, babies or selves due to the panic regarding Coronavirus. I am still open for business and ensuring that everything is sanitary and cleaned before every client arrives. Because I have a private photography studio in downtown […]
Chandra {Bonney Lake, WA Newborn Photographer}
Chandra {Newborn Session}
Mai {Tacoma Newborn Photographer}
Mai {Newborn Session}